Saturday, May 12, 2007

Call of the Wild Blog

Place of Birth:

‘The Jungle of the Egg Naans’ then migrated to the ‘Jungle of smoke and fat’, more particularly lived in the ‘Electric Lair’.

Place of Education:

Inception: Dark Brazen Coning Society (D.B.C).

Advance Inception: Solidly Vandalized Howlers Society (S.V.H.S)

Wildlife Simulation: Surreally Vain Junior Congress (S.V.J.C)

Wildlife Apprenticeship: Veritable Enforcement of Stupidity Information about Technology (V.E.S.I.T)

Ambitions: Engineering to claw and rip a life out of a mosaic mess of
Pseudo-opportunities, impossible dreams and rag-tag ambitions.

Life Interests:

1] Murdering other animal life under a hopeless pretext of taking up the noble responsibility of maintaining Ecological balance.

2] Also relishing on the entrails of the afore-mentioned animal life

3] Constantly learning about the plain superficiality of my life till date, and ruing the lack of remedies to the same.

4] Borrowing wisdom from all and sundry and shamelessly passing it on as me own.

5] Pretending nobility and greatness of heart when all that my heart can or will ever feel is the obsessive greed for opportunity and selfish gains from in all such demands on my nature.

Reason to Blog:

Constant need for reassurance about my non-existent creative and imaginative skills and an unfounded conviction that my wisdom is absolutely impartial,

Generously fair and universally original